シベリア鉄道経由の日欧間輸送 Transport between Japan and Europe via Trans-Siberian Railway shows good results
全日空、成田ーロサンゼルスに貨物臨時便を運航 All Nippon Airways to operate extra cargo flights between Narita and LAX
マースク、スエズ事故で一部短期契約の予約を停止 Maersk suspends bookings for some short-term contracts due to Suez accident
ONE、アジアー東アフリカ間で新航路 ONE to launch new route between Asia and East Africa
マースク、日本発英国向けシー&レール輸送実施 Maersk to provide sea and rail transport from Japan to the UK
2020年の中国―欧州鉄道「中欧班列」輸送が過去最高 2020 China-Europe Railway "CRExpress" transportation record high
コンテナ長期契約交渉開始、値上げは必至 Long-term contract negotiations for marine containers have started
ザ・アライアンスのサービス変更 Direct service Japan to USEC disappears due to the service change of The Alliance
日本航空貨物便、豪入国規制強化で引き返す JAL cargo flights to Australia returned due to immigration restriction
ONE運航のコンテナ船、悪天候でコンテナ1816本が落下 ONE dropped 1816 containers due to bad weather
今夏の暑さで北極海航路開通期間が過去最長 The heat of this summer records the longest opening period of the NSR
CMA-CGM、アジア発欧州向けのブッキングを3週間ストップ CMA CGM shuts down bookings from Asia to Europe for 3 weeks
ONE、港湾混雑に対応してアジア航路改編 ONE modifies Asian shipping lanes in response to port congestion
日本郵船、通期経常益700億円 航空運送も黒字転換 NYK's full-year ordinary income is 70 billion yen
シベリア鉄道利用の欧州向け輸送開始、コスト焦点 Started transportation to Europe using the Trans-Siberian Railway
ONE異例の臨時船 ONE will operate an exceptional temporary vessel from Japan to the United States in Nov
CMA-CGM、システム障害未だ復旧せず CMA CGM is still struggling to get all its systems back online