コロナワクチン輸送、前例ない難易度 DHL points out the COVID-19 vaccine supply is "unprecedented difficult"
高騰続く航空運賃、定期運賃交渉目処立たず Airfare fares continue to rise, and no prospect for regular fare negotiation
全日空、沖縄貨物ハブ8月末まで運休の見通し ANA has forecast that the Okinawa Hub will be suspended until the end of Aug.
航空運賃、コロナで高騰も収束へ Airfares were rising due to corona, but are decreasing
緊急事態宣言解除のフォワーダー営業体制 Forwarder normal operation is not expected immediately
日本発航空貨物運賃、2~5倍で高止まり Japan air freight fares remain high at 2-5 times
タイ国際航空、会社更生手続き申請へ Thai Airways is applying for company rehabilitation procedures.
コンテナ荷動き減速、東南ア発拡大も復航は当面好調 Departure of container cargo slowed down and expansion from Southeast Asia
成田国際線、2020年夏季スケジュールで貨物便数が旅客便数超え Narita international flights exceed cargo volume on summer 2020
国交省が日露間輸送実証、「割高だが品質良好」 MLIT verifies Japan-Russia transport, "expensive but good quality"
ANA、羽田ー上海間で旅客機で貨物輸送 ANA, freight transport between Haneda and Shanghai by passenger aircraft
JAL、中国三都市に旅客機での貨物輸送を毎日運航 JAL operates daily cargo transport on three passenger cities in China
AIT、上海ー東京の航空貨物スペース不足を受けシー&レイル輸送を増便 AIT increases sea and rail transport due to lack of air cargo spa
ANA、4月の貨物機運航計画変更 成田ー上海に集中 ANA changes cargo plane operation plan in April focusing on Narita-Shangha
DHL、米国渡航制限でレポート DHL reports on U.S. travel restrictions