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コンテナ荷動き減速、東南ア発拡大も復航は当面好調 Departure of container cargo slowed down and expansion from Southeast Asia


Due to the spread of new coronavirus infection, various changes are occurring in maritime container trade. Initially from China, after that there was a big impact such as cargo accumulation on the Western side, but now the impact is expanding in Southeast Asia. The production activities and shipments of each country are stagnation due to the influence of infection control measures, and "there is a decrease in import demand, but the quantity is decreasing due to the supply side circumstances that production cannot be done and cargo cannot be transported to the port". . The shipping companies have reduced the maximum of about 30% in the world, but in the future, there is a possibility of further rationalization if necessary. On the other hand, imports to Asia are brisk, and dry reefers remain full. Demand for cargo movements is declining globally, but demand from Europe and the US to Asia is solid, and in reality the situation varies considerably depending on the cargo composition and trade.









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