新型コロナウイルスの影響で国際航空貨物の運賃が異例の事態に陥っている。国際旅客便の相次ぐ運休・減便で長期契約の運賃が使えなくなり、現状2割高で変動が激しいスポット運賃の適用が続いている。今後の定期運賃交渉のメドも立たず、フォワーダーによれば 期運賃の適用は今年度いっぱいは難しそうという。
Due to the new coronavirus, international air freight fares have fallen into an unusual situation. Due to a series of suspensions and reductions in international passenger flights, long-term contract fares can no longer be used, and spot fares, which are currently 20% higher and fluctuating, continue to be applied. There is no way to negotiate fixed fare in the future, and according to the forwarder, the application of the fixed fare is likely to be difficult for the entire fiscal year.