2020年3月の日本発航空輸出混載貨物実績は、重量が6万9320㌧(前年同月比-21.8%)、件数が21万7257件(-16.6%)だった。全方面で減少しており、前年比でTC3は2割、TC1は3割、TC2は4割以上減少した。 前年割れは16ヶ月連続で、重量の2桁減は14ヶ月連続。3月は新型コロナウィルスの影響で旅客便の減便・運休が拡大したが、輸入が好調な取り降ろしが1割の増加。輸出量に鈍化が見られたものの、仮陸揚げは積み込み、取り降ろしとも堅調で2ヶ月連続の前年超えだった。
In March 2020, the combined air cargo shipment from Japan was 69,320 tons (-21.8% year-on-year), and the number of cargoes was 217,257 (-16.6%). It has decreased in all areas, with TC3 decreasing by 20%, TC1 decreasing by 30%, and TC2 decreasing by more than 40%. The year-on-year decrease was 16 consecutive months, and the double-digit weight loss was 14 consecutive months. In March, the number of passenger flights decreased and canceled due to the impact of the new coronavirus, but withdrawals due to favorable imports increased by 10%. Despite a slowdown in exports, temporary landing was solid and both loading and unloading were solid for the second consecutive month, exceeding the previous year's level.