On September 27, DHL announced the latest version of Global Trade Barometer (GTB), a predictor of global trade. As of September 2018, the GTB forecasts a three-month trade to November. With 2013 as the base year, the global index was 63 (up 4 points from the previous June), indicating that although the growth rate slowed down, it is expected to continue to grow at a high rate. Seven countries account for 75% of global trade (United States, China, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, India, and South Korea). Of these, only India exceeded the last announcement. Japan's airline trade was 79, the highest forecast among the seven countries surveyed, following the previous one. China, which is concerned about the impact of trade friction between the United States and China, fell to 59 points (up 4 points from June in the previous year) and the United States to 63 points (up 5 points from June in the previous year), but both countries are expected to continue to grow high.
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9月の航空貨物需要は前年同月比で9%増加したものの、これまでの二桁成長から減速している。海上・航空貨物運賃分析プラットフォームを運営するXenetaによると、 平均貨物運賃は前年同月比で26%上昇し、1kgあたり2.71ドルとなりました。輸送キャパシティは3%の増加にとどま...
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