スエズ運河で、2万4000TEU型コンテナ船「エバーギブン」が座礁して運河をふさぎ、通行不能が続いている。 船を所有する正栄汽船は日本時間の27日夜の離礁を目指すと発表した。タグボート10隻を投入したものの離礁できず、さらに大型船2隻を投入する計画。現地では作業が長期化するという懸念も上がっている。
The 24,000 TEU container ship "Evergiven" has run aground in the Suez Canal, blocking the canal and making it impassable. Shoei Kisen, the owner of the ship, announced that they are aiming to leave the ship on the night of the 27th, Japan time. Ten tugboats have been deployed, but they have been unable to get the ship off the reef, and two more large ships are planned to be deployed. There are concerns in the area that the operation will take a long time.