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Worldwide export of semiconductor records more than 13000tons

In September, the worldwide export volume of semiconductor and other manufacturing equipment records more than 13000 tons, it is the first time in hour month. It is including flat panel display (FPD) equipment for manufacturing semiconductor devices, liquid crystal panels, and organic EL panels.

China, South Korea, and Taiwan, which account for 90% of the global market, were 11,000 tons, up 0.2% from the same month of the previous year. The Japanese Society of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment (SEAJ) predicts that sales of semiconductor devices will continue to be updated until 2020. On the other hand, FPD equipment sales are expected to remain at a record high level in this fiscal year as well as in the previous fiscal year, but will stall in the next fiscal year. Global semiconductor device sales are also expected to rise from last year to next year, according to the International Society of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Materials (SEMI). By region, China is said to be the second largest in the world, surpassing Taiwan this year, and the world leader next year, surpassing South Korea.







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