郵船ロジスティクスはチリで現地バートナー企業と合弁会社Yusen Logistics Chile SpAを設立した。同社は 2016年からチリで物流サービスを提供しているが、合弁会社設立でさらなる物流事業拡大を目指す。チリは銅などの鉱山物のほか、農林水産物の輸出も盛ん。近年は輸出市場の拡大を目指して近隣諸国やアジア太平洋地域との関係強化や、積極的な通商政策を進めている。
Yusen Logistics has established a joint venture, Yusen Logistics Chile SpA, with a local bartner company in Chile. The company has been providing logistics services in Chile since 2016, but aims to further expand its logistics business by establishing a joint venture. In addition to mines such as copper, Chile is also active in exporting agriculture, forestry and fishery products. In recent years, with the aim of expanding the export market, it has been strengthening relations with neighboring countries and the Asia-Pacific region and promoting aggressive trade policies.