日本通運は国際関連事業の業績を発表した。2019年度(19年4月~20年3月、海外会社は19年1~12月を連結)の海外会社業績は第4四半期に業績が悪化。第4単四半期における海外会社の売上高は1033億円(前年同期比-9.8% )、営業利益は15億1700万円(-59.5%)だった。全般的に航空貨物の取り扱いが減少。米州、欧州は8割以上の減益と落ち込んだ。第3四半期までプラスで推移していた東アジアも半減近い減益だった。
Nippon Express has announced the results of its international business. In FY2019 (April 19th to March 20th, overseas companies consolidate from January 19th to December 19th), overseas company performance deteriorated in the fourth quarter. Overseas company sales for the fourth quarter were 10.33 billion yen (-9.8% year-on-year) and operating income was 1.517 billion yen (-59.5%). Handling of air freight generally decreased. The Americas and Europe fell by more than 80%. Earnings in East Asia, which had been positive until the third quarter, also fell by almost half.日通