日本航空(JAL/JL) の輸出入上屋では10月1日に全受託貨物便の再開を予定している。関空の国際貨物上屋として半分以上のシェアを持つ同社上屋の復旧で、関空で取り扱える貨物量が飛躍的に回復するとみられる。また、全日本空輸(ANA/NH)も9月21日から自社運航する旅客便搭載分に限り上屋業務を再開したが、自社運航の貨物便についても26日到着分から一部再開予定だ。
ほかにも主要な国際貨物上屋が業務の正常化に向けて最終調整の段階にある。一部の業務を再開していたCKTSは27日から本格復帰し通常業務に戻る。またスイスポートジャパンも 21日から輸入上屋業務を再開していたが、まもなく輸出上屋の再開を予定している。
The international freight district of Kansai International Airport, which was damaged by Typhoon No. 21, is increasingly undergoing full-scale restoration. According to Kansai Airport, as of September 25, 96% of all flights from and from Kansai Airport had been restored, and 75% of all flights from cargo. Japan Airlines import and export terminal are scheduled to resume all consigned cargo flights on October 1. The restoration of the JAL cargo Building, which has more than a half of the Kansai airport share as an international cargo terminal, is expected to result in a dramatic recovery in the volume of cargo that can be handled by Kansai airport. All Nippon Airways (ANA/NH) also resumed its business on September 21 only for its own passenger flights, but some of its own cargo flights are scheduled to resume on September 26. Other major international cargo tops are in the final stage of coordination for normalization of operations. In the CKTS of resuming some operations, the company will return to normal operations on September 27 after returning to full-fledged operations. Swiss port Japan also resumed its import cargo handling on September 21, but it is scheduled to resume its export cargo handling soon. Traffic traffic was also lifted on the 21st, after a request for self-restraint had been made during the morning hours of demand for departure passengers. However, with regard to the bridge road, the downhill lane damaged by the collision of a ship (from the Rinku Town to the Kansai Air) cannot be used even at present at a place near the airport. The undamaged ascending lane (from Kansai Air to Rinku Town Area) was operated in the form of separating one lane from the other in each of the ascending lane and the descending lane in each of the ascending lane and the descending lane. Although only one lane continued to be used, from 0:00 a.m. on March 21, the operation of three lanes was changed: one more travelling lanes, two traveling lanes, and one ascending lane.