6月の日本発国際航空貨物取扱量フォワーダーランキングが明らかになった。1位は日本通運で12,760㌧(前年同月比-27.4%)、2位は近鉄エクスプレス9,090㌧(-19.7%) 、3位は郵船ロジスティクス5,710㌧(-38.1%) 、4位は阪急阪神エクスプレスは2,225㌧(-46.4%) 5位は西日本鉄道国際物流事業本部(にしてつ)3,085㌧ (-31.1%)だった。業界全体では51,853㌧(-66.7%)となっている。
Japan's international air cargo handling capacity forwarder rankings for June were revealed. Nippon Express ranked first at 12,760 tons (-27.4% year-on-year), second at Kintetsu Express 9,090 tons (-19.7%), third at Yusen Logistics 5,710 tons (-38.1%), and fourth at Hankyu Hanshin Express. 2,225 tons (-46.4%) was 5th place at West Japan Railway International Logistics Operations Headquarters (3,085 tons) (-31.1%). It is 51,853 tons (-66.7%) for the entire industry.