2020年11月の日本発航空輸出混載貨物実績は、重量が7万6163㌧(前年同月比-3.4%)、件数が21万5358件(-13.1%)だった。 重量は10月に23カ月ぶりの前年超えを記録していたが、再びマイナスに転じた。台湾が2割減となるなどTC3向けが10月に比べて落ち込んだ。一方、輸入件数はほぼ横ばいながら14カ月ぶりにプラスに転じた。
In November 2020, the actual number of consolidated cargoes exported from Japan was 76,163 tons (-3.4% compared to the same month of the previous year) and 215,358 cases (-13.1%). Weight recorded a year-on-year increase for the first time in 23 months in October, but turned negative again. Sales for TC3 fell compared to October, with Taiwan declining by 20%. On the other hand, the number of imports turned positive for the first time in 14 months, although it was almost flat.