1月の日本発航空輸出混載貨物実績は、重量が 8万7558 3㌧(前年同月比+34.0%)、件数が21万9375件(+15.0%)だった。 重量は2カ月連続の増加。中国を中心にアジア向けが大幅増加した。品目別では自動車関連が好調。海上輸送が混乱しており、航空便が代替したことも実績を押し上げた。
Air freight consolidation shipments from Japan in January totaled 87,583 metric tons (+34.0% y/y) and 219,375 cases (+15.0% y/y). The weight increased for the second consecutive month. Shipments to China and other Asian countries increased substantially. By item, automobile-related shipments were strong. Sea transport was disrupted, and air transport took over, which also boosted the results.