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スエズ運河コンテナ船座礁対応難航、321隻待機 321 ships on standby as Suez Canal container ship stranding


No major progress has been made on the stranding of a very large container ship in the Suez Canal that occurred on the morning of March 23 (local time). The ship's owner, Shoei Kisen Steamship Company, announced on March 26 that it was aiming to leave the canal on the evening of March 27 (Japan Standard Time), but the local authorities did not say when the ship would be reopened at a press conference on the afternoon of March 27. The number of ships waiting in and around the canal has reached 321, and there are concerns that the impact on logistics will become more serious. It also pointed out that strong winds were not the only cause of the stranding, and that technical or human error could have been the main cause.





2024年6月の日本発国際航空貨物取扱量フォワーダーランキングが明らかになった。1位は日本通運で17,719㌧(前年同月比+5.3%)、2位は郵船ロジスティクスで11,378㌧(+36.1%)、3位は近鉄エクスプレスで10,483㌧(+0.3%)、4位は西日本鉄道国際物流事業本部(にしてつ)で3,491㌧ (+2.5%)、5位は阪急阪神エクスプレスで2,987㌧(-2.4%)だった。2ヶ月ぶりに郵




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