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キャセイ・パシフィック、冬季の輸送能力削減を発表 Cathay Pacific announces winter transport capacity reduction

キャセイ・パシフィック航空(CPA/CX)は 冬シーズンの輸送能力を削減すると発表した。「逃亡犯条例」改正案を巡る抗議デモの激化で香港への航空需要が大きく落ち込んでいることを受けたことによる。香港では中国本土への容疑者の引き渡しを可能とする同改正案をきっかけに抗議デモが激化。こうした中、キャセイ航空の旅客数は8月は11.3%減少。香港当局によると、香港を訪れた人は8月は約40%減と、7月の5%減から大きく悪化した。逃亡犯条例改正案の撤回を求める抗議活動に多数の職員が参加し、中国の航空当局は同社に対して安全上の脅威があると警告。複数の幹部の辞任などもあり、デモによって大きな影響を受けている。

Cathay Pacific (CPA / CX) announced that it will reduce transport capacity in the winter season. This is due to the fact that the demand for aviation to Hong Kong has fallen sharply due to the intensification of protests over the amendment to the "Fugitive Ordinance". In Hong Kong, protests intensified following the revised bill that allowed suspects to be handed over to mainland China. Under these circumstances, the number of passengers on Cathay Airlines declined 11.3% in August. According to Hong Kong authorities, visitors to Hong Kong fell about 40% in August, a significant deterioration from the 5% drop in July. Numerous staff members participated in protests calling for withdrawal of the amendment to the escape code, and Chinese aviation authorities warned the company that there was a security threat. There are also several executive resignations, which are greatly influenced by the demonstration.








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