三菱自動車は、子会社である三菱自動車ロジテクノ(MLT)の完成車物流事業を、日産自動車系完成車輸送大手のゼロへ移管すると発表した。移管は今年8月を目処に行う。両社の 完成車物流を一本化することで、輸送能力の柔軟性確保や施設の共用など、経済合理性を図るという。
Mitsubishi Motors announced that it will transfer its complete vehicle logistics business of its subsidiary Mitsubishi Automotive Logistics Technology (MLT) to Zero as a major manufacturer of finished vehicles for Nissan Motor vehicles. The transfer will be carried out this August. By consolidating the two companies' complete vehicle distribution, the company is planning to achieve economic rationality by securing flexibility in transport capacity and sharing facilities.