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日本、韓国に半導体材料輸出規制 Japan restricts exports of chip materials to South Korea

7月1日、日本政府は韓国向け半導体材料の輸出規制の厳格化を発表した。有機ELに使うフッ化ポリイミドなど3品目を、個別審査・許可の方式に切り替える。今夏中に安全保障上の友好国「ホワイト国」の指定も削除。この決定ついて日本政府は 「不適切な事案の発生」などを挙げる が、元徴用工訴訟をめぐる韓国への事実上の対抗措置といわれている。韓国企業は半導体で高いシェアを持ち、半導体売上高は世界1位サムスン、SK3位という構図。 スマートフォンやテレビ、パソコンなど幅広い電子機器に搭載されるメモリー半導体に強く、DRAMは韓国勢が世界シェアの7割、NAND型フラッシュメモリーは5割という。 日本の輸出審査にかかる時間は約3カ月が標準。在庫は通常1~2ヶ月という中で、韓国の半導体生産に影響を及ぼす可能性がある。ひいては、アジア全体の半導体産業のサプライチェーンにも影響が懸念される。

On July 1, the Japanese government announced stricter export restrictions on semiconductor materials for Korea. We will switch 3 items such as fluorinated polyimide used for organic EL to individual examination and permission system. The designation of the security friendly country "White country" is also deleted during this summer. The Japanese government has stated that the decision has been made, such as “the occurrence of an inappropriate case,” but it is said that it is a de facto counter-measure against South Korea over a lawsuit for former enforcement. Korean companies have a high share of semiconductors, and semiconductor sales are No. 1 in the world, Samsung and No. 3 in SK. It is strong against memory semiconductors installed in a wide range of electronic devices such as smartphones, TVs and personal computers, and the share of DRAMs is 70% of the Korean market share and 50% of NAND flash memories. About 3 months is the standard time for export examination in Japan. The stock usually affects Korea's semiconductor production within 1 to 2 months. As a result, there is also concern over the supply chain of the semiconductor industry across Asia.







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