タイ国際航空(THA/TG)はバンコクと仙台空港結ぶ定期便を5年ぶりに再開する。10月30日から週3便運行する。運航は水、金、日曜日の週3便で、仙台発11:15バンコク着16:15(いずれも現地時間)。バンコク発は 火、木、土曜日23:50で仙台着は翌日07:30。利用状況によっては毎日運行も視野に入れるという。
Thai Airways International (THA / TG) resumes regular flights between Bangkok and Sendai Airport for the first time in five years. Three flights a week from October 30. It operates on Wednesdays, Fridays, and three flights a week on Sunday, leaving 11:15 in Bangkok to 16:15 in Bangkok (all at local time). Departure from Bangkok is Tuesday, Thursday, 23:50 on Saturday and will arrive at Sendai on 07:30 the next day. Depending on the usage situation, it is said that daily operations will be included in the scope.