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日系航空3社、3月期決算発表  Three Japanese airlines announce financial results for March


The consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ending March 2019 were announced by three Japanese airlines, ANA Holdings (ANA / NH), Japan Airlines (JAL / JL) and Nippon Cargo Airlines (NCA / KZ). While ANA and JAL reported higher sales and profits, NCA, which had stopped operating its aircraft, was in the red. ANA's sales increased 4.4% to 2,058.3 billion yen (+ 4.4% from the previous year), operating income is 165 billion yen (0.3%), ordinary income is 2.5% decreased to 156.6 billion yen (+ 2.5% )was. Sales increased mainly in the aviation business, and operating profit reached a record high for four consecutive terms. Sales of JAL were 1,487.2 billion yen (+ 7.5%), operating income was 176.1 billion yen (+ 0.9%), and ordinary income was 116.5 billion yen (+ 1.3%). Strong international passenger and freight revenues supported the increase. NCA's sales were 56.7 billion yen (-42%) and ordinary loss was 15.9 billion yen (compared to a surplus of 1.8 billion yen in the previous year). A significant decrease in sales due to the suspension of operations of our own cargo aircraft from June last year.







エティハド・カーゴは、キューネ・アンド・ナーゲル(K+N)と予約システムを統合し、リアルタイムの容量と価格の可視化を提供する。このパートナーシップは、先進的なウェブサービスとInstant Offer Rate (IOR) ツールを活用し、予約の効率性と透明性を向上させる。エティハド・カーゴは最近、、WebCargo、CargoWise、CargoAIとの協力を含む技術投資を行い


2024年5月の日本発国際航空貨物取扱量フォワーダーランキングが明らかになった。1位は日本通運で17,033㌧(前年同月比+13.4%)、2位は 近鉄エクスプレスで10,112㌧(+4.2%)、3位は 郵船ロジスティクスで9,584㌧(+25.8%) 、4位は西日本鉄道国際物流事業本部(にしてつ)で3,185㌧ (+4.8%)、5位は阪急阪神エクスプレスで2,693㌧(-6.7%)だった。

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