According to the Ports and Harbors Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the volume of foreign trade containers handled by Tokyo Port in the first half of 2018 (January to June) reached a record 2,227,441 TEU (up 1.7% from the same period of the previous year). Exports accounted for 1,026,016 TEU (+2.0%) and imports for 1,201,425 TEU (+1.6%). The top three countries are China, the United States, and Thailand. Exports in China and the U.S. fell below the previous year's level, but Thailand performed well, rising 17.6%. In addition, Malaysia increased 43.2% and Indonesia increased 27.3%. Imports were strong in the United States and Canada.
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2024年5月の日本発国際航空貨物取扱量フォワーダーランキングが明らかになった。1位は日本通運で17,033㌧(前年同月比+13.4%)、2位は 近鉄エクスプレスで10,112㌧(+4.2%)、3位は 郵船ロジスティクスで9,584㌧(+25.8%)...
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