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International air cargo reduced about 40,000 tons at Kanku Sep. 2018

On October 4, Tokyo, Osaka Customs, and others published a preliminary report on the volume of international air cargo handled at five major airports in September. The total volume of Kansai International Airport handled in the same month was 29,474 tons, a decrease of 60% from the same month of the previous year. The international freight district ceased to function and stagnated on September 4 due to the influence of Typhoon No. 21. The average monthly handling of 70,000 tons until the typhoon was hit directly by Kanku was reduced by about 40,000 tons. Although Narita, Haneda, and Chubu replaced this, the total volume of cargo handled by the three airports increased by only 30,000 tons from August, as the cargo demand from and to Kansai Airport could not be compensated. The total volume handled by five airports in September fell 13% to 305,427 tons, a sharp decrease from August.







2024年5月の日本発国際航空貨物取扱量フォワーダーランキングが明らかになった。1位は日本通運で17,033㌧(前年同月比+13.4%)、2位は 近鉄エクスプレスで10,112㌧(+4.2%)、3位は 郵船ロジスティクスで9,584㌧(+25.8%) 、4位は西日本鉄道国際物流事業本部(にしてつ)で3,185㌧ (+4.8%)、5位は阪急阪神エクスプレスで2,693㌧(-6.7%)だった。



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