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Air freight index 2022 3Q

株式会社Lean Energy(以下、LE社)は2022年7月~9月分を反映した航空貨物運賃の推移を発表した。当インデックスはLE社が展開する国際物流プラットフォームe-Bid Freightで実施されている入札データ、並びにその他外部ソースを活用して、LE社が独自に算出したものである。

TC3 to TC1

Air freight fell sharply this period due to sluggish cargo demand. Destinations JFK and MEX have maintained high levels...

TC3 to TC2

Freight index declined significantly, as did the TC1 region. Air freight rates fell sharply for AMS, FRA, and LHR, although...

Japan to TC3

Freight index for Japan to TC3 rose slightly, unlike the significant decline in destination TC1 and TC2. Cargo demand has...

TC3 to Japan

Max range and min range indexes are trending upward, while mid range index declined slightly...

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Index calculation method

  • This index was calculated originally by LE using the bidding data conducted by LE's international logistics platform e-Bid Freight and other external sources.

  • TC1,2,3 are based on the regional divisions defined by IATA, TC1 refers to the Americas (North America, Central America, South America), TC2 refers to Europe, the Middle East, African Continent, and TC3 refers to Asia.

  • The index is calculated based on the total amount of Airfreight plus Fuel Surcharge and Security Surcharge.

  • Max range is high price range, Mid range is median range, Min range is low price range

  • 2020 2Q (April-June 2020) is the time to expand COVID19 and may be omitted due to lack of valid data.

  • Midrange of 2020 1Q is set 1 as an indicator for each index





2024年11月の航空貨物輸送需要は前年同月比8.2%増加し、16カ月連続成長となった。需要は過去最高を更新したものの成長率は9月以降鈍化傾向で、インフレや地政学リスク、貿易摩擦が引き続き課題となる見通し。 地域別では、アジア太平洋が13.2%の需要増で最大の伸びを記録。中...


2024年12月の日本発国際航空貨物取扱量フォワーダーランキングが明らかになった。1位は日本通運で18,209㌧(前年同月比+8.7%)、2位は近鉄エクスプレスで11,101㌧(+6.5%) 、3位は郵船ロジスティクスで9,533㌧(-11.1%)、4位は西日本鉄道国際物流...




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