成田国際空港会社(NAA)によると、5月の成田空港の航空機発着回数は7545回(前年同月比-66%の )だった。内訳は、国際線が6913回(-61%)、国内線が632回(-86%)。国際線旅客便は、新型コロナウィルスの影響で各国が渡航制限を実施したことなどで減便・運休が相次ぎ4月と同じ85%減。一方で、旅客便の激減で需要が高まった国際貨物便が3449回(+76%)と2カ月連続で単月実績として過去最高を更新した。国際貨物便は4月に2812回で過去最高を記録していたが、5月はさらに大幅に回数を積み増した。航空旅客数は国際・国内の合計で98%減だった。
According to Narita International Airport Corporation (NAA), the number of flights to and from Narita Airport in May was 7,545 (-66% year-on-year). The breakdown is 6913 (-61%) for international flights and 632 (-86%) for domestic flights. The number of international passenger flights decreased by 85%, which was the same as in April, due to a series of flight reductions and suspensions due to restrictions imposed by each country due to the new coronavirus. On the other hand, demand for international freighters increased due to a sharp decrease in passenger flights, which was 3449 times (+76%), the highest monthly record for two consecutive months. The number of international freight flights reached a record high of 2812 in April, but it increased significantly in May. Air passengers fell by 98% in international and domestic total.